Tag Archives: advice

Oprah’s Advice On Letting Go

“When you’ve worked as hard and done as much and strived and tried and given and pled and bargained and hoped…SURRENDER. When you have done all that you can do and there’s nothing left for you to do… GIVE IT UP. Give it up to that thing that is greater than yourself. And let it then become apart of the flow.”

After a long week and feeling a bit anxious since my return from California, I happened to open my Lifeclass journal and read this quote on the very first page. It’s dated August 29, 2012. Then it came back to me…I was watching Oprah Winfrey speak on OWN TV’s Master Class and I rewind my DVR a few times so I could write her entire quote correctly.

The amazing thing is, although eighteen months has passed since then, it spoke directly to me at the very moment.

Right then I realized I unconsciously wrote this for me to read today.

As beautiful, tough, uplifting, overwhelming, joyous and strenuous as my journey has been… I’ve learned to accept the changing seasons in my life.  The sense of discontentment or sadness is an emotion, not a weakness. Acknowledging your emotions lets you know that you are human.

Since I was a child I taught myself to honor my feelings (enjoying times of solitude), express it (through jounaling), and simply let it go.

Sugarload Mountain Trail in the winter
Sugarload Mountain Trail in the winter
Trail in Harper's Ferry, WV
Harper’s Ferry trail in the Spring.

I am guided not only by an omnipotent Creator and limitless Universe but also protected by very powerful spiritual forces…my ancestors and guides.

I now live in confidence knowing that every step of the way I was directed into the right path to prepare for the positive changes to come. I’m not sure exactly what that change is but I can feel it as strong as the wind.

After searching the video of Oprah’s quote above, I happened to fast forward it to 3:53 and she said…


Every single thing that has happened in your life, is preparing you for the moment that is to come.

Is that a direct message from Oprah? You bet it is!

I pray and stay in faith knowing that I am where I am supposed to be. To be quite honest, at times I quietly pray, “Please don’t make the road as bumpy as before.” I can only be honest here.  🙂

Going faithfully in the direction of my dreams.  Do keep me in your prayers.

Peace & blessings,
