Thank you for Supporting Feminine Transitions!

Feminine Transitions cover image


Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all who have LIKED, SHARED, and CONTRIBUTED to my second Indiegogo Campaign. As you can see, I didn’t reach my financial goal, however, because of you I’m closer than I was prior to this. Your support helped to make it possible. I’m grateful to your outpouring of encouregement and look forward to sharing Feminine Transitions: A Photographic Celebration of Natural Beauty.

As of now, my files will be sent to the printer around May 5, 2013. It should take 5 weeks after for my books to be delivered to my door. In the meantime, look forward to updates as I get closer to the print date.

Thanks again for your contributions towards the birthing of Feminine Transitions. A shout out to you…

Akua Allrich
Lisa Artis
Wumie Konteh
Steven Hutchinson
Ann Marie Brown
Darwent Brown
Donna Spivey
Wumie Konteh
Sherry Richmond
AB Agail Dunn
Zalika Perkins
Sandra Saltibus
Dionne Christie-Cunningham
Aisha Kleemoff
Charlotte Williams
Irene Jazz
Kim Cherry
Lane Cobb
Mare Cromwell
Ann Young