Category Archives: Accessibility


In 2021, I mustered up the courage to write, direct, and produce my first narrative film, ANNEXATION. Thanks to Women of Color Filmmakers (WOCF) for providing the film lab, I went on to do the same thing the next year with DOUEN, my second horror short. Due to the pandemic and funding, both films had a short festival run, but I have now made them available to the public to view. Check out both films below.

They warned our children that human civilization would cease and they would be forced to take Earth back. ANNEXATION film follows a mother trying to survive with her daughter after an alien invasion. Human existence may be scarce, but we are not alone.

See the audio-described version here.

Based on a Trinidad and Tobago folklore, DOUEN is a horror film short that follows a woman who comes face-to-face with the collision of her dreams and reality as she and her sister are haunted by ghostly creatures. The lesson: Don’t respond if they call your name.

See the audio-described version here.

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