
It’s official!  I am honored to announce I will be working on a documentary film for FEMININE TRANSITIONS. Originally, my idea was to create video footage of myself photographing the models in my book as well as commentary from them about their personal experiences about aging. Unfortunately, I was running a one woman show and taking video of myself photographing these beautiful ladies was not an option, as I had only one camera.  However, the completion of my book has provided me the time to finally start the documentary. It only makes sense to produce the film with the book (although it will be after it’s published).  I will be the videographer, photographer, video and photo editor. In other words, I’m wearing all the hats.

The release date has not been finalized as yet but I will start the documentary on FEMININE TRANSITIONS upon receiving sponsorship. The book however, I still plan to publish by winter 2012 (before Christmas).  Finances have been the hold up but trust that I’m working diligently hard to accomplish my goal and publish date.  Once I shoot the intro video, I will start my campaign fundraiser with Indiegogo. Although I will create an Indiegogo campaign, corporate sponsorship will be my focus as well.  Sponsorship information will also be posted on my website www.Alyscia.com. Do keep an eye out for that newsletter.  Also, if your interested in being apart of my documentary, please contact me.  Please include your age and the state and city you reside along with your contact information.

I thank you for your support along my journey and I look forward to sharing my experience with you along the way.  Always remember to feed your soul with whatever it is that creates happiness within you.

Peace & blessings,



Alyscia Cunningham’s Interview with Shawn Mason Spence

Portrait of Alyscia Cunningham
Alyscia Cunningham

On Wednesday, September 19, 2012, I will be a guest speaker on The Shawn Mason Spence Show, a lifestyle radio program. The topic of the show is Oh Natural!  From hair care to household products, Shawn is talking to entrepreneurs, health professionals, and artists who support self-love, health and wholeness. My topic will be, the story behind FEMININE TRANSITIONS and how it is a call for girls/women and to encompass self-love.

WHEN: Wednesday, September 19, 2012

TIME: 6pm

LINK:  http://blis.fm/shawnmasonspence 

CALL IN NUMBER:  202-629-3746

The production assistant will be tweeting, posting and pinning throughout the show.  Shawn will be quizzing the audience on words or phrases mentions by the guests speakers. You can win cool prizes if you get your answers right. I will be on Twitter as well. My twitter page is https://twitter.com/AlysciaCPhoto and Shawn’s is https://twitter.com/shawnconnects. Looking forward to answering your questions tomorrow! 

Missed the show? No problem, see link below.


“What’s Holding You Back?”

Self portrait of Alyscia Cunningham
Alyscia Cunningham, self-portrait.

Was the question my coach asked me during our conversation this week.  Feeling confused, I paused for a little bit, and repeated that same question to myself.  “What’s holding me back?”  I’ve worked passionately hard on FEMININE TRANSITIONS over the past two years. I photographed all the models, collected and edited all quotes, tailored and organized all model releases, shot and edited my videos (self-taught, I never knew anything about video editing before my book), designed my book, followed-up with models, held numerous fundraisers (on-line as well as events), etc. The point is, I wear many hats and have done 95% of everything having to do with FEMININE TRANSITIONS, all by myself. Which is pretty typical of a self-published author.  Unfortunately, I still haven’t raised enough fund necessary to print my book. Is that the reason it’s not published as yet?

Going back to that question…what’s holding me back? Why am I not getting the results from all the energy I’m putting out into the Universe. There can only be one problem. Me. I’ve realized that although it is my desire to share FEMININE TRANSITIONS with the world, I AM HOLDING ME BACK. I know, your thinking, but you’re doing everything necessary to make it possible. Yes I am but I am also getting in my way. I’ve noticed that as blissful as success may seem, I’ve been afraid of it.  It’s like playing a mental tug of war with myself. I want to be a world renowned author and share my vision of self-love but I don’t want to sacrifice the time with my children. I want to travel the globe and share my story but I don’t want to leave my family behind. I want to network and make connections, but I am not allowing myself the opportunity to be present.  I want to move forward but I am still stuck in my past experiences which became present circumstances.

“There can be no progress, no achievement without sacrifice.”

I make an affirmation to myself. NO MORE STEPPING ON MY OWN TOES. The only person I have to blame for failing and not getting back up to finish the race, is me. Now I make the necessary changes and move forward. I sacrifice the time necessary to promote FEMININE TRANSITIONS. I sacrifice being vulnerable and open to input. I sacrifice letting go of the baggage I’ve been carrying. I sacrifice being a 24×7 mom and wife. No more tug of war!

Does this suggest that I have to turn my back from being with my family?  Does it make me less of a mom if I spend a little more time following my dreams?  Absolutely not!  Furthermore, following my passion will most definitely satisfy my soul, creating more happiness within me. The saying goes,” if moms not happy, no one is happy.”  And this mama needs to satisfy the calls of her inner being.

So today I free myself and allow the spirit of my ancestors and the Universe to guide my path towards progress and opportunity. I OPEN THE DOORS TO WHAT IS WAITING FOR ME. Iyanla Vanzant said it best in a beautiful message she emailed to me yesterday:

“What I know to be true is – – what God has for you, is for you! Continue your work! Stay faithful and prayed up! Ask your guardians, angels and guides to bring the right people, at the right time, to do the right work in your life and all things will work together for your good success.”

Well said!

To my coach, Lane Cobb, who had those tough conversations with me, providing me the with the tools to do a self archaeological dig…I thank you! I look forward to sharing my progress with you! Stay tuned…I’m on it!

Peace, love & blessings


Oprah’s Lifeclass Experience

Alyscia Cunningham at Harpo Studios sign in Chicago, IL
Alyscia Cunningham at Harpo Studios

On August 13, 2012 I was blessed with the opportunity to attend a taping of Oprah’s Lifeclass in Chicago.  I am a devoted Lifeclass student so of course I would take advantage of the opportunity to participate.  At the same time, for the past 2 years I have been putting it out into the Universe that Oprah will interview me about FEMININE TRANSITIONS. It’s also on my vision board.  I even had a set date on my vision board of August 26, 2012, which I recently realized is actually September 26, 2012. Whether it’s a month or two away, I am completely amazed by what has happened thus far!  Although I was not interviewed by Oprah on that day…I believe the actual day is coming soon. I can feel it in my spirit. So off to Chicago I go…

Welcome to Chicago sign at O'Hare Airport in Chicago, IL
Welcome to Chicago airport sign at O’Hare Airport
City of Chicago ahead
Driving towards the city of Chicago

Furthermore, although I truly enjoy life class, I am a woman on a mission.  If I was to make my vision a reality, I had to make sure I could somehow get FEMININE TRANSITIONS into the hands of Oprah.  Therefore, I took the ONLY copy of my book with me to give to her.

Harpo Studios Building
I arrive at Harpo Studios

While at Lifeclass, I sat in the audience thinking to myself, how I would give my book to Oprah, given the guidelines specifically states that gifts for Oprah are not permitted. Keeping in mind that I traveled to Chicago with very little funds (I stress very little), my daughter not feeling too well back home in MD and my mission on mind, there is no way I was leaving without giving Oprah my book.

Oprah on stage at Harpo Studio
The end of Lifeclass is near as Oprah and Iyanla stay for a while and speak to the audience.

I get up moving very quickly to the stage as I see someone up front ask her for a picture. As soon as I’m close she quickly walks off with security (it was honestly a blur at that moment).  My heart is pounding; first because I’m really nervous but I still can’t depart without leaving her with my book and; second I know I’m going against the guidelines of bringing her a gift. Now that Oprah is gone, I remembered her daughter’s, whom happen to be sitting to the left of where I’m standing at that very moment.  Granted I don’t have much time before security takes them back stage, I quickly but calmly introduced myself (to the one at the end of the row) showed her Feminine Transitions then opened it to reveal a flyer for The Girl God by Trista Hendren. I then asked if she would please give it to her Mom.  She looks down as I speak, opens her eyes a bit wide, and says, “Wow this is really nice. Don’t worry I will give it to her,” in a distinct South African accent.  Then a second after, the security guard takes Oprah’s girls (4 adopted daughters) off the set. YES, I’m thinking. I did it! Now I await the fruits of my labor. Is this all I need to connect?  Of course not, but it’s much closer than I was if I choose to stay at home.

I’ll keep you posted! In the meantime, find out more about FEMININE TRANSITIONS and pre-order your copy. It also makes a great gift!