Your Family & Friends Are Not Your Audience

Thirteen years ago, I started a new business venture into the world of Multi-Level Marketing. Three years later, I realized that MLM is not for me but I was grateful for the valuable lessons learned as an Independent Rep.

My first homework assignment was to read Your First Year In Network Marketing (anyone in MLM knows this book). It really prepared me for the world of business that I knew nothing about. The first being…

Your family and friends are not your audience.

It’s been years since I read the book so I’m explaining in paraphrase, but the author made it very clear that you will most likely…

  1. Get ignored by friends and family
  2. Not taken seriously by friends and family
  3. Lose a friend in the process

Although it was a tough reality (they really did ignore my calls) the lessons learned has been extremely helpful in my businesses after MLM. I realized…

My biggest supporters are people I don’t know.

That thought used to upset me, but I developed a good grasp at basking myself in the positive, mutual energy and support that comes from a total stranger. As crazy as it sounds, I used to play tug of war in my mind and block my blessings because I had an expectation of what support should look like –Friends and family. Now…

I welcome the village I’ve always asked for. It’s a beautiful revelation.

I must say, one of my biggest takeaways as an MLM, is the ability to be fearless (cold calls will do that to you). To cut to the chase and not care that your loved ones may not support your vision. If they aren’t living their dream how can they encompass the power of yours?

Hopefully this blog can enlighten the person it was intended for. For those who have the support, you’re blessed.

With 1 day left…

I reflect on the beautiful moments and girls/women that I met on my expedition with I Am More Than My Hair. I am so very grateful for the opportunity to grow in genuine friendship with many of the women. It’s a humbling experience to know that everyone trusted me, a complete stranger to most, to share their stories.

With 1 day left for my campaign on iFundWomen and 75% left to raise $6K, I have made peace with the fact that I will most likely not reach my funding goal. And presumably this means; it is time for me to retire my project and move on.

Black girl let's go of a balloon. She looks up at it.

What does this mean?  I will see I Am More Than My Hair film into completion, as far as I can possibly reach. First focusing on the expenses related to accessibly (for blind and deaf audiences) and possibly the sound mixing and color correction. I’m simply not able to submit I Am More Than My Hair to certain film festivals without a professionally completed final cut.

On the bright side, once it’s complete in the film festival circuit (November 2020) I will make it available online. I’m not sure of the platform as yet but I promise I’ll figure it out. Once I do, you’ll be the first to know.

This has been a 6 year journey. It is not a sad moment. In fact, for the community of supporters, we’ve won. It has been a challenging yet beautiful journey. And the gems gained… priceless.

As I wind down on, I Am More Than My Hair, I’m off working on another project. I am forever grateful for the people who supported me and believed in my projects along the years. You are appreciated.

Remember… for those interested, you can always make a tax-deductible donation via my fiscal sponsor Women in Film & Video.