Tag Archives: twitter

Alyscia Takes Over OWNers Twitter Account


I had a powerful and encouraging conversation with publicist Meg McAllister yesterday. She’s a true professional and I highly recommend her if your able to afford a publicist. Meg really broke down the things I needed to hear, including the challenging aspects of being a self-published author with so little funds to spare. It left me thinking, I really need to get on the ball with this social media thing. It’s so much more than just having a page, but instead engaging your audience.

After our discussion ended, I received a phone call from an employee at Harpo Studios in Chicago, IL. She sent me a direct message in Twitter the day prior asking if I would like to be an OWNers ‘takeover’. For those of you hearing this for the first time, OWNers ‘takeover’ is when a #OWNAmbassador Twitter user is logged into and Tweeting via OWNers Twitter account.

Of course, I was more than happy to do the job.

Will anything more come out of being and OWNers ‘takeover’? Like getting more recognition for Feminine Transitions for example. I’m honestly not sure. Yet, I do know that the Universe puts everything into alignment in the right place, at the right time.

To that I say, I am on the right path.  That’s not a call that everyone receives. I’m more than happy to take the blessings that follow.

Additionally, I truly learned the art of engaging an audience. How coincidental is it that one of the very things I spoke about earlier with Meg I had to put into action? I am a visual and hands on learner so I got it completely.

Last night I tweeted for the Haves and Have Nots. Tonight will be Tyler Perry’s Love Thy Neighbor , airing every Wednesday at 9PM EST. Are you on Twitter? If so, follow me at @AlysciaCPhoto and @OWNers, the account I’m taking over, and join me for the tweet party. I’ll be logged on 15-30 minutes prior to the start of the show.

I hope to see you there!

Feminine Transitions hardcover book
Feminine Transitions proof

Alyscia Cunningham’s Interview with Shawn Mason Spence

Portrait of Alyscia Cunningham
Alyscia Cunningham

On Wednesday, September 19, 2012, I will be a guest speaker on The Shawn Mason Spence Show, a lifestyle radio program. The topic of the show is Oh Natural!  From hair care to household products, Shawn is talking to entrepreneurs, health professionals, and artists who support self-love, health and wholeness. My topic will be, the story behind FEMININE TRANSITIONS and how it is a call for girls/women and to encompass self-love.

WHEN: Wednesday, September 19, 2012

TIME: 6pm

LINK:  http://blis.fm/shawnmasonspence 

CALL IN NUMBER:  202-629-3746

The production assistant will be tweeting, posting and pinning throughout the show.  Shawn will be quizzing the audience on words or phrases mentions by the guests speakers. You can win cool prizes if you get your answers right. I will be on Twitter as well. My twitter page is https://twitter.com/AlysciaCPhoto and Shawn’s is https://twitter.com/shawnconnects. Looking forward to answering your questions tomorrow! 

Missed the show? No problem, see link below.
