Category Archives: My Journey


I’m writing this with a grateful heart and soul for all those who’ve supported me and my numerous passion projects throughout the years. It has been far from easy, and often times folks see my end result (the success) and assume I effortlessly brought it to fruition.

To that end, I say that giving birth to all I’ve done and will continue to do is definitely not for the faint of heart.

Understandably, people don’t see what happens behind the scenes. My moments of doubt—challenges that popped up out of the blue—left me in tears, wondering if this was all worth it.

It’s hard.

Some days are easier than others, but the one thing I consistently do in these moments is allow myself the time to grieve, then pick myself back up and keep going. As dark as it may feel, I always see the light at the end of the tunnel.

The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step,keep with the problem, or be determined to carry out their dream.”― Les Brown

I will not be that person in Les Brown’s quote, so I always push through my fears and doubts, knowing that one way or another, it will all come together and be worth the while—success!

Success for me isn’t a high number of likes, views, or money. Success is the impact that I create. It is leading by example for my children and the generation to come.

Money, of course, is necessary for survival, but I don’t let it dictate what I’m most passionate about.

I left corporate America back in 2007. I couldn’t see myself living to accomplish someone else’s dream while mine sat on the back burner.

It was the hard decision I made, with the understanding that my consistent income, insurance, and other comforts that came with having a well-paid 9-to-5 would disappear.

But I saw the bigger picture. I had bigger dreams. For that and what I’ve accomplished by being brave enough to follow my desire, I have no regrets. The money and the comforts will come with the alignment that the universe has prepared me for.

In that reflection, with a grateful heart, thank you to those who rode with me, who supported me (monetary or otherwise), and who encouraged me to keep going. May you also align with your purpose and passion.



As I reflect on the journey of bringing my dreams to life, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the incredible support that has brought my campaign to an amazing milestone – 87% funded! With the finish line in sight and the campaign drawing to a close soon, your support has never been more critical or appreciated.

Join me in these final moments to push through to 100%. Your contribution, no matter the size, can make a monumental difference. Every share, every contribution, and every word of support brings me closer to sharing this story with the world.

Thank you for being a part of my journey, for your generosity, and for believing in the power of storytelling.


I’m sure I’m not alone when it comes to figuring out the next step for my film as an indie filmmaker. When it was done on the film festival circuit, I questioned… What’s next?

In 2015, I started the process of directing and producing my first film, a documentary short titled I AM MORE THAN MY HAIR. It includes interviews with women who have experienced hair loss (alopecia) and their journey of self-improvement to see their beauty beyond the media’s standards.

It took me almost 5 years to complete. I gave myself a deadline, and once I was done with the first cut, I held my first premiere at the AFI Theatre in October 2019.

In March 2020, I was finally done with the final cut and continued promoting it for publicity. I was able to secure several news and radio interviews. Just as I began receiving film festival acceptance/decline notifications, the pandemic hit.

Thankfully, I made it to my film’s first accepted film festival in Sarasota, FL, despite the travel warnings and prior to the shutdown. All festivals I AM MORE THAN MY HAIR was accepted in after that were virtual, excluding a select few in 2022.

Typically, films have a 1-year run, but due to the pandemic, the rules changed for some time. And although it did great on the circuit, I was left unsure of my next step. When reaching out to more established filmmakers for feedback, the consensus was that unless it’s a Hollywood film, shorts don’t get distribution.

Then I remembered… wait a minute (my actual thought)… I’ve seen shorts while flying!

I did a Google search for “airline film distribution companies,” and Walla!

That simple search directed me to a blog post that shared several airline film distribution companies. Give thanks for informative bloggers. The article I read saved me a lot of time.

I researched each company, found their contact information (that took the most time), and reached out to each rep individually. The fourth company rep I emailed expressed interest and replied with her cell phone number to reach her. I wasted no time and called her immediately. She did reiterate what I kept hearing: “It’s tough to secure airline distribution for a short film”, but she loved my work and said she would do her best. Just a few days later, the rep followed up with hopeful news and connected me with the decision-maker, who in turn said yes.

In 2022, I was granted a 6-month distribution deal with Air Canada. They intentionally started it in March for Women’s History Month. In all honesty, the pay was small. And as much as I understand that money is needed to live comfortably, that was not my aim. Impact has always been my goal, from the very beginning and at the core of my being. It’s not that I would turn down a big check because I’d gladly accept it, but it wasn’t the deciding factor for the work I create.

I currently don’t have any set plans or distribution deals set in stone, but I have leveraged I AM MORE THAN MY HAIR as a platform to bring awareness not only to my work but also to alopecia and women’s health. It has also broadened my platform as a public speaker. Speaking engagements and Q and A’s have allowed me the opportunity to personally connect with my audience and engage in meaningful conversations, which was my goal from the get-go.

In the end, I have not struck a big-time distribution deal, but the impact has been significant enough for me. I look forward to expanding my work as a director and DP and continuing meaningful conversations.

Oh, before I forget… here’s the list of the airline distribution companies I found in my research:

  • Terry Steiner International
  • Cinesky Pictures
  • Captive Entertainment
  • Jaguar Distribution Corp
  • Encore Inflight
  • Entertainment in Motion (EIM)
  • Penny Black Media
  • Gate 23 Entertainment

Did you find creative ways of securing distribution? Share in a comment below or send me a message.

My First Accessible Exhibition

Thanks to the continued support of those who’ve contributed… I did it!

A little over a year I ago I attended a meeting a with National Federation of the Blind (NFB) Maryland. Marguerite Woods, a kindred spirit and participant of I Am More Than My Hair, invited me to join her for the Baltimore Chapter Meeting.

It was shocking to learn about the lack of accessibility in the arts and how blind and low vision audiences aren’t considered. I left the meeting feeling inspired enough to make it mandatory that any venue, gallery, or museum that requests my work, must agree that it will be made accessible for audiences with low vision and hearing.

I wanted to find a way to make my visual art accessible in new formats, that would open the experience of the art to people often barred from it.

The first museum to give me the OK for an accessible exhibition was Sandy Spring Museum in Sandy Spring Maryland. My exhibition takes place March 19 – May 28, 2021.

Here’s what I came up with:

Each photograph will be accompanied by a lithophane replica of the portrait. This image shows the lithophane print in production as I type. A lithophane is a three-dimensional image that can be explored by touch. When a light is placed beneath, it creates a unique visual experience.

Braille embossing will accompany written descriptions. Audio description of the images will be provided for visitors who have low vision. Interpreters in ASL (American Sign Language) will facilitate my artist talk. The screening of my film, I Am More Than My Hair, will include closed captioning and audio description for both hearing and vision accessibility. I also organized the panel discussion Making Art Accessible (date TBD).

Given the pandemic, there will also be a virtual component as well as the opportunity to experience it in-person during the Museum’s open hours. The reception and film screening (TBA) will take place online. When you RSVP you will receive updates on the scheduled events. 

Read the newsletter

Your Family & Friends Are Not Your Audience

Thirteen years ago, I started a new business venture into the world of Multi-Level Marketing. Three years later, I realized that MLM is not for me but I was grateful for the valuable lessons learned as an Independent Rep.

My first homework assignment was to read Your First Year In Network Marketing (anyone in MLM knows this book). It really prepared me for the world of business that I knew nothing about. The first being…

Your family and friends are not your audience.

It’s been years since I read the book so I’m explaining in paraphrase, but the author made it very clear that you will most likely…

  1. Get ignored by friends and family
  2. Not taken seriously by friends and family
  3. Lose a friend in the process

Although it was a tough reality (they really did ignore my calls) the lessons learned has been extremely helpful in my businesses after MLM. I realized…

My biggest supporters are people I don’t know.

That thought used to upset me, but I developed a good grasp at basking myself in the positive, mutual energy and support that comes from a total stranger. As crazy as it sounds, I used to play tug of war in my mind and block my blessings because I had an expectation of what support should look like –Friends and family. Now…

I welcome the village I’ve always asked for. It’s a beautiful revelation.

I must say, one of my biggest takeaways as an MLM, is the ability to be fearless (cold calls will do that to you). To cut to the chase and not care that your loved ones may not support your vision. If they aren’t living their dream how can they encompass the power of yours?

Hopefully this blog can enlighten the person it was intended for. For those who have the support, you’re blessed.

With 1 day left…

I reflect on the beautiful moments and girls/women that I met on my expedition with I Am More Than My Hair. I am so very grateful for the opportunity to grow in genuine friendship with many of the women. It’s a humbling experience to know that everyone trusted me, a complete stranger to most, to share their stories.

With 1 day left for my campaign on iFundWomen and 75% left to raise $6K, I have made peace with the fact that I will most likely not reach my funding goal. And presumably this means; it is time for me to retire my project and move on.

Black girl let's go of a balloon. She looks up at it.

What does this mean?  I will see I Am More Than My Hair film into completion, as far as I can possibly reach. First focusing on the expenses related to accessibly (for blind and deaf audiences) and possibly the sound mixing and color correction. I’m simply not able to submit I Am More Than My Hair to certain film festivals without a professionally completed final cut.

On the bright side, once it’s complete in the film festival circuit (November 2020) I will make it available online. I’m not sure of the platform as yet but I promise I’ll figure it out. Once I do, you’ll be the first to know.

This has been a 6 year journey. It is not a sad moment. In fact, for the community of supporters, we’ve won. It has been a challenging yet beautiful journey. And the gems gained… priceless.

As I wind down on, I Am More Than My Hair, I’m off working on another project. I am forever grateful for the people who supported me and believed in my projects along the years. You are appreciated.

Remember… for those interested, you can always make a tax-deductible donation via my fiscal sponsor Women in Film & Video.

I’m headed to Through Women’s Eyes International Film Festival, but my film wasn’t accepted in a handful of other festivals

I Am More Than My Hair was awarded an Official Selection and will screen at the 2020 Through Women’s Eyes International Film Festival, taking place March 6 – 8, in Sarasota, FL. I Am More Than My Hair screens on Sunday March 8th at 1:150pm. I’m heading to Sarasota and I’m super excited to be able to attend the festival! Read more and purchase tickets

If you’re not a filmmaker you may not be aware, but most film festivals won’t accept your submitted film. The agony!

Here’s a list of the film festivals that responded… “Unfortunately, I Am More Than My Hair wasn’t accepted in…”

  • DC Independent Film Festival
  • Festival de Cannes (Spike Lee is the new President)
  • Oregon Film Festival
  • Oxford Film Festival
  • Tribeca Film Festival

I understand that I aimed high with the above submissions, but I figured… one never knows so why not try?

I’ve become so accustomed to the “Unfortunately…” speech that it becomes second nature to quickly overcome feelings of disappointment and move on to the next thing in line.

I am only sharing becuase I want you — reading this right now — to know that success doesn’t come overnight (however you determine what success means to you).

Similar to grant applications, you may be awarded 1 in every 20 grants that you’ve applied (or bigger). For me, success is determination and the will to get up and keep going despite the outcome.

My 2 cents… just keep pushing! And if you’re heart desires, support my film fundraiser. Read more about it and make a tax-deductible contribution —

Your support is appreciated!

“I Am More Than My Hair” Hits The Film Festival Circuit

I know you have many causes to choose from for #GivingTuesday. However, please consider supporting I Am More Than My Hair into the next phase of the film festival circuit. If you make a tax-deductible donation, I’ll mail you a copy of the book.


For today and tomorrow, #GivingTuesday, I’ll mail an autographed copy of I Am More Than My Hair book for anyone who donates $50 and up. That’s until December 3rd only by 11:59PM PST.

It’s a hefty price of $25 – $100 per submission as well as travel/lodging expenses, if my film is selected to be screened. That’s an average of $1K per festival (give or take a few hundred $).

With that in mind… your support for this new phase of my film is needed and appreciated!


How can I help you ask???

Here’s a few ways:

1Make a tax-deductible donation via my fiscal sponsor, Docs In Progress. If you donate $50 or more I’ll mail a copy of my book to the address you provided when making your tax-deductible donation. If you’d like me to write a special message for someone, once you make the donation contact me and I’ll let me know who the book should be autographed to and the message you’d like to share.

DOUBLE BONUS: Donate $500 or more and I’ll host a private screening at your home (note: you must reside in the DC metro area or cover the cost of travel expenses).

2Become a Sponsor  if you or someone you know is  interested Contact me.

3. Share my project with friends and family. I’ll make it easy for you. Simply copy and paste the info in #1.


How can I purchase a copy of the film?



I can’t duplicate and sell copies of the film if I want to submit it to film festivals. Unfortunately, this is one of the stipulations if I want I Am More Than My Hair, or any future films, to be considered for the film festival circuit. Regardless, this is a new journey for my documentary and I am excited!

With all my excitement comes the reality of the expense to participate in film festivals.Your support is needed and appreciated. Thank you in advance for supporting I Am More Than My Hair on #GivingTuesday!



*Docs In Progress is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which gives individuals tools to tell stories through documentary film to educate, inspire, and transform the way people view their world.

Your donation towards I Am More Than My Hair also supports Docs In Progress in their mission to support documentary filmmakers. If you’re in a giving mood, please consider also making a tax-deductible directly to the organization.

My Trip To California

Alyscia Cunningham's lecture at Saint Mary's College of CaliforniaI returned from the Bay Area after a visit to and lecture at Saint Mary’s College of California (in Moraga). Typically, when I travel for speaking engagements I stay at a nearby hotel. This time around, I was offered the opportunity to stay at the visitor’s residence on campus. I couldn’t have asked for a better communal experience.

Not only had staying on campus given me the option for convenience but it also provided me the time to connect with the students and staff of Saint Mary’s, beyond what may have been possible if I stayed at a local hotel.

Alyscia Cunningham's lecture at Saint Mary's College of CaliforniaTwo weeks have passed since my visit and the positive energy and heartfelt moments continue to replay in my memories and bring a warm feeling to my soul. I have to say it was my most monumental lecture thus far. And I’ve had quite a few.

Alyscia Cunningham's lecture at Saint Mary's College of California

I was surrounded around a beautiful campus on California’s gorgeous landscape and good hearted people. It was a intimate group and setting with genuine discussion, feedback and consideration for one another. For me, that’s the best ingredients for a successful event. Also, have I ever mentioned I LOVE California?

Alyscia Cunningham's lecture at Saint Mary's College of California

Over two years ago, Sharon Sobotta, Director of the Center for Women & Gender Equity, and I connected about the possibility of a speaking engagement at the Center. Although it took some time, Sharon made sure this event came to life.

Alyscia Cunningham and Sharon Sobotta
Alyscia Cunningham and Sharon Sobotta at the Center for Women & Gender Equity at Saint Mary’s College of California.

Directly after my talk, Sihin Tsegay, Gender Justice Leader at the Center for Women and Gender Justice, organized a meet & greet with the Black Student Union at the Center for Women & Gender Equity. We had a deeper discussion about personal and professional experiences and challenges faced as someone of color. I couldn’t have ended the day on a more profound note.

Alyscia Cunningham's lecture at Saint Mary's College of California
Meet & Greet with BSU, Gender Justice Leaders, and allies in the CWGE.

I am truly appreciative for this experience and connection with like mindedness. That for me is priceless.

Have you heard of Great Shoals Winery in Takoma Park, MD?

Alyscia Cunningham at Great Shoals Winery in Takoma Park, MD

Two days after my returning (I’m noticing a recurrence with the number 2), Great Shoals Winery in Takoma Park, MD hosted a book signing for I Am More Than My Hair. If you’re in the area and looking for a local winery with a cool vibe, visit Great Shoals. It used to be located at Heyser Farm in Silver Spring, MD (the farm where I often purchase eggs). Although I enjoyed wine tasting at the farm as chickens roamed around (I’m a city girl but I love the country), it’s nice to have space dedicated to wine… and cheese.

If you’re buying wine, don’t forget to look for local options.

Alyscia Cunningham at Great Shoals Winery in Takoma Park, MD
Thanks to Habibah, fellow GirlTrekker, my brother, and neighbors, for stopping by and supporting.

Alyscia Cunningham at Great Shoals Winery in Takoma Park, MD
Inside Great Shoals Takoma Park.


I Have A Rough-Cut!

Well, I thought I had a rough-cut before, but I had to go back to the drawing board. To make a long story short, my previous rough-cut wasn’t received very well SO… I am grateful to connect with another Film Editor… A WOMAN! A female Motion Graphics Editor is also on my team. Talk about excited!!!

That’s exactly what I originally envisioned! If not an all female film crew, at the least, I wanted to collaborate with other women.

Thanks to my small but amazingly mighty team, Editor Daniela Ettrich and Motion Graphics Artist Tiffany Lewis.

Last Saturday, February 23rd, I held a private screening of the rough-cut version of my documentary I Am More Than My Hair. I invited other filmmakers with the request that they provide me with feedback for my fine-cut (the final version of my film). Thanks to the support of filmmakers from Creative Edge Collaborative, Brown Girls Doc Mafia and Women In Film and Video DC (WIFV), the feedback received was a tremendous help.

Much thanks to Melissa J. Houghton, Executive Director of WIFV, for taking the time to advise me on the hows and where to hold a screening, during my desperate attempt to figure it out. My local public library worked out just fine. Who would have known?

My next cut will be the fine-cut. Wooohooo! That’s after the next few edited cuts. It’s a process but we’re headed in the right direction.

“Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.” ~Oprah Winfrey

I am forever grateful for these talented filmmakers!

If you’d like to support the next stage of my film, feel free to make a tax-deductible donation via my Fiscal Sponsor, Docs In Progress. I appreciate your support!

Tax-deductible donation - I Am More Than My Hair


Appreciate the Journey

You know what I’ve grown to appreciate? My trials and tribulations have not only given me the ability to vigorously pace through life, but it has also built me to be undeniably resilient.

Please know that…

When I share the challenges I face on my journey, I am not looking for sympathy.

Instead, I am opening myself and being transparent about the ups and downs that comes with life. Professionally and personally.

People sometimes assume that rewards and accomplishments come easy. Thanks to social media, people can conveniently post about their achievements yet omit the adversities faced in order to get to that level of attainment.

It takes hard work, time, dedication and positive thinking to make things happen.

Furthermore, as a woman of color, married to man of color, with children who look like us and have unfortunately faced hardships related to race, I have no choice but to stand strong. Not only for myself, but also for my family.

With that…

I am undoubtedly able to handle what may crumble the World of someone unlike me.

Would I like for the people of the world to be different? Without doubt. But I am truly grateful that my hardships have strengthen me.

Regardless, anything worth bringing into existence doesn’t come easy, but it’s definitely worth the feeling of success and fulfillment once you stick to it. And in the process, you have the opportunity to know WHO IS and WHO ISN’T for you. Shedding layers and people is a good thing.

On your journey…

You may be redirected, take some time off to breath and reevaluate your steps, or may completely switch paths, but always pick yourself up and keep going.

And remember…

Don’t be afraid to share your quest. It is uniquely yours to hold and carry. It is my hope that sharing the transparency of my journey can be beneficial to someone else on the path to accomplishing a dream or goal.

My gift to you…

Rather than adding to the piles of Holiday emails you’ll receive next week, I send my greetings to you now. I wish you all that you wish for yourself… PLUS all that you need at this moment to appreciate your journey.

Enjoy the Holidays!


If you’re in the spirit of giving, please consider making a tax-deductible donation, via my Fiscal Sponsor Docs In Progress, to help me finish my film.  Visit the website for more info and to support. Feel free to also follow my blog tour with Goddess Fish Promos.

Happy Holidays graphic


Sometimes… it’s hard to be thankful

Amongst all the messages of Thanksgiving and hopeful wishes, I can’t seem to shake off the rejection I’ve recently received. The past few weeks has challenged my thinking and created me to reconsider the direction of my profession as an artist.

Don’t get me wrong…

I am ALWAYS very grateful (my family and I are healthy-what more could I ask for? — well…I could) and have an innate tendency to see the positive side of my experiences. I’m always very determined to accomplish my goals (personal and professionally) and find myself often encouraging others to push past their challenges (I may have missed my calling as a coach?).

But every now and then, the “no’s” get to me.

The 4 big grants I spent much of my time completing was rejected (I just knew I would be awarded at least one). The exhibit I hoped to participate in at the Smithsonian… rejected (still puzzled by that). An Editor at L’Oreal interviewed me to feature a story about my work… cancelled. Vroman’s Bookstore in California, shipped my books back (due to no sales), and others are coming up soon.


I haven’t been able to finish my film, not just due to lack of funding ($30,000 to be exact) but also due to the lack of b-roll. Scheduling additional filming dates hasn’t gone so well due to everyone’s schedule.

On my challenging days, I seek quotes that resonate with me and what I’m going through (I love quotes). In this particular situation, I thought about Oprah’s words on the finale of her show, which I’m sure I’ve shared before).

I’ve talked to nearly 30,000 people on this show, and all 30,000 had one thing in common: They all wanted validation. If I could reach through this television and sit on your sofa or sit on a stool in your kitchen right now, I would tell you that every single person you will ever meet shares that common desire. They want to know: ‘Do you see me? Do you hear me? Does what I say mean anything to you?

In truth, my response is a feeling of unappreciation, which truly boils down to feeling a lack of validation. I’m fully aware that I will receive more rejection than acceptance in anything, but at times it’s hard… and exhausting.

And I honestly needed the time to simply slow down a bit, vent about what I’m feeling and give myself the time to grief (Is that an appropriate word? It’s as close to a word as I can come up with at the moment) and rest.

Ipray4u-laugh.jpgSo on this day of Thanksgiving, I must admit, sometimes being completely thankful is hard but even in the moments of disappointment, there’s so much to be thankful about. Not only am I in the best of health but I’m grateful to come home to an amazing family every day. As always I get up, adjust myself and keep going.

What are your challenges and what are you thankful for?

Enjoy the Holiday!